Rajendra Mahato Nepal Madesh Leader pictures

Rajendra Mahato Nepal Madesh Leader pictures. Rajendra Mahato is a Nepali politician  whos one of the popular madesh leader in Terai. He was President of the Nepal Sadbhavana Party (NSP) party now on the Samajbadi Janata party. 
He was born in Sarlahi of Nepal on 19 November 1958. He had Indian citizenship and then became a Nepalese citizen by naturalization around 35 years ago.

Rajendra Mahato Nepal Madesh Leader pictures

Rajendra Mahato Nepal Madesh Leader
Rajendra Mahato

Rajendra Mahato Nepal Madesh Leader strong

rajendra mahato nepal madhesi leader

rajendra mahato nepal

rajendra mahato

madesh leader rajendra mahato

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