Jhol momo and Types of Momo

Jhol momo in Nepal is widely popular food here. You can find the different falovour Jhol MOMO in MOMO shops.

Different varieties of Jhol MOMO you can find to eat . Here we discuss about Jhol momo and type of momo you will love to eat.

What is Jhol momo ?

Jhol momo is simply the MOMO dumplings with the Jhol. Jhol is the special soup made for momo.

Mostly these Jhol MOMO are taken in winter and widely popular in winter season

Jhol momo in nepal
Jhol momo in nepal

How to make Jhol momo at home

What is momo ?

Momo is simply the popular food in Nepal which is specially made . Momo is food which is made with the meat or vegetables inside and covered with the flour bread outside and is cooked in steam or else

21 Types of momo

These are 21 Types of momos you can generally found.you should try these whenever you are hungry

12 types of momos according to contents

  1. Buff momo
  2. Chicken momo
  3. Mutton momm
  4. Veg momo
  5. Phaper momo
  6. Fish momo
  7. Cheese momo
  8. Khuwa momo
  9. Chaku momo
  10. Chocolate momo
  11. Wheat momo
  12. Mushroom momo

12 Types of momo according to cooking

  1. Steam Jhol momo
  2. Steam momo
  3. Fried momo
  4. Kothy momo
  5. Water momo
  6. Fried momo
  7. Tandoori momo
  8. Chilli momo
  9. Sandeko momo
  10. Thukpa momo
  11. Sea momo

types of Jhol momo in pictures

These are the types of Jhol momo and others in pictures.

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